Rabu, 09 September 2015

Wet Dream
He woke up this morning and he know he had been having a sexy dream, but he must have come in his sleep and now there is a stain on my sheets and underwear which he slept in. He worried that his parents will think he have wet the bed. What can he do to stop this sort of dream?
What can he do to stop this sort of dream?
You can’t stop this wet dream because this is the changes when you puberty.
A wet dream is when you ejaculate while you’re asleep. Ejaculate means to release semen from your penis. Usually a wet dream happens while you’re having a dream about sex. You may not even remember the dream. There’s nothing you can do to control or stop wet dreams. You can’t stop this wet dream because this is the changes that you get when puberty. When you wake up, clean your penis and testicles with soap and water, including the area underneath your foreskin if you aren’t circumcised. If you feel guilty or uncomfortable about having wet dream or about a certain wet dream that you had talk to someone. Sit down with a doctor, parent, counsellor, or another adult you trust.
Source : teens.webmd.com/boys/wet-dream-faq
He have to tell about it to someone. He have to talk with someone to finish this problem. Sit down with a doctor, parent, counsellor, or another adult you trust. Don’t shy to tell about it!
So, wet dream is normal. Don’t worried about it!! You can’t stop this wet dream because this is the natural changes that you get when puberty.

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